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Dear Gabe and Raf,

Life is moving at an uncomeatable pace. Current events have forced plans to change; nevertheless, I continue to place my trust within The Universe. Because one year ago, under similar circumstances, The Universe brought me to you. Eleven months have slipped through our fingertips; slowly; and then all at once. It feels as if I blinked on April 5, 2019 and, before I had the chance to open my eyes, eleven months passed by. The Universe works in mysterious, creative, yet, indescribable ways. Our paths were destined to cross during this short period of time. We may not have realized this last April, but almost one year later, the pieces fit perfectly. Thank you for everything. For opening up to the idea, as your nanny and "big sister," my job is to guide you. You have loved me as if I am your very own, even on the bad days. Labeling these boys as 'smart' is an understatement. Raf surpasses the average seven year old when it comes to outer space, countries, and science. Gabe's strong suite, however, is video games, movies, and technology. But, despite the intelligence the two of you possess, you are still too young to truly comprehend the impact you left on my life. Not sure you ever will. Change is inevitable. As we go our separate ways, I hope you never change who you are. Your hearts are as pure as they get and lives will be changed because of you. Children tend to lose sight of memories as they grow older. Similar to the concept of change, outgrowing and forgetting the past is imminent. Moments we perceive as big now, will turn small and insignificant within a matter of time- weeks or years from now. Times we've shared together are remarkable, special, and life-changing. Raf, you may lose touch to most of our memories, but I hope you never forget chasing down the ice cream man several blocks after school. Spending the afternoon in Santa Cruz together- we built sand castles in the hot sand, rode a few rides, and yelled at the top of our lungs at seagulls. Various shades of pink mixed together to paint the waves that night- Santa Cruz reflected pink. Thank you for never missing the opportunity to watch the sunset with me. We cherished every sunset we've spent side by side. Appreciate all of your hugs, "I love you's," and the little moments; for example, dancing to The Lorax theme song in the kitchen while baking chocolate chip cookies. I loved all of the desserts we've baked together, and the desserts we attempted to bake, but I managed to mess up; loved those just the same. Gabe, throughout this past year, you have reassured me of how appreciated and loved I am. Days when I believed I was failing, those kind words kept me going. Never change who you are. As time passes by and our memories become distant, I hope you remember filming random videos, laughing uncontrollably at the 7/11 Lego video, and our 'epic' Minecraft worlds we have designed together. When you look back at our year together, I hope you never forget binge-watching That 70s Show together and our intense splash battles at the pool. I always looked forward to our Foster's Freeze lunch dates and 'traditional' afterschool Yogurtland trips. As much as I have enjoyed spending this past year together, I am forced to say goodbye. Leave behind what was, without a doubt, the best year of my life. Continue to inspire others; saying this from personal experience, because my life has been changed. Raf and Gabe taught me it's okay to laugh while upset; not every moment deserves to be taken seriously. The importance of forgiveness. To appreciate little moments; especially ours. Unique is the perfect way to describe our bond. A type of unique that withstands unbearable distance and days without communication. Becoming the person who I am today would not have been possible without being your nanny, just like you needed me to guide you into the person you are becoming. We needed each other, but now it is time to finally move on, regardless of how much it hurts.

Until our paths intertwine and we meet again.


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