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aware of my unawareness.

In California, my new life awaited, but I was oblivious until March of 2019. The Universe began to send signs around November. Felt sudden urges to drop out of college, move away, and start over. Between November - March I struggled; old friends showed their true colors, I ended a toxic relationship, and moved back to my closed-minded hometown. I can not recall one day, during those four months, where I felt 'in place.' But what I realize now, that I was unaware of, is why the hardship was necessary. Outgrowing past relationships was necessary for moving on. Growth is uncomfortable and hurts like hell, but I blossomed from the rain, created by The Universe, to prepare me for moving onto kinder people, happier moments, and the best days of my life. I was led to California, by an energy larger than myself, and was fully unaware.


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