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twelve things I learned from my year in California

1. It'll fly by.

Live in the moment, spontaneously drive along the coastal highway, paint at the rose garden, and YES plan that day trip to San Francisco. One year passed by before my very eyes, but my heart is at ease, because I have left California as a new person full of travel stories and forever friends.

2. Never miss an opportunity to watch the sunset at the beach.

Sunsets are mesmerizing, inspiring, and surreal. 'California sunset' is my favorite color. Spending nights at the beach with my friends, to enjoy the sunset, is a past time I adore! When colors paint the sky and reflect onto the ocean, feels as if I am sitting front row at the cinema. Oh my, nothing compares to a California sunset, especially alongside the beach.

3. To never forget where I come from.

You can take the girl out of Iowa, but you can not take Iowa out of the girl. I use my manners, wave at four way stops, and talk in Iowa slang. Non-Midwesterners find it funny when I say "pop" instead of "soda." Also, Californians enjoy waving back at intersections because they think I am being friendly, not because I am giving them the right away. Weirdos.

4. Nothing compares to a California strawberry.

A fresh, juicy strawberry from the farmer's market is simply incomparable.

5. Love at first sight is real when it comes to the Golden Gate Bridge.

Seeing the bridge for the first time, with my own eyes, gave me an indescribable feeling. A type of feeling I have not felt before; it was love at first sight.

6. Let go of the belief that California is beach weather year-round.

Jokes on me! California is warm all year, but December - March is not ideal beach weather. Pack an extra coat!

7. Do not hike the Hollywood Sign trail, during a hot August afternoon, while wearing Chacos.

Going to let this one speak for itself. Ah, just thinking about this day makes my legs ache and I break out in a sweat. Never again. Kudos to the park ranger who gave me a ride to my car, because I honestly would not have made it back without you.

8. Little piece of advice Heather once told me, "you can get a lot of things for free by being young, blonde, and pretty."

I am not trying to sound self-conceited with this one. Maybe it's just a California, Hawaii, Utah, and Oregon type of thing, but free things come easy out West. Throughout this past year I have received free diagnostics on my car, discounted car bills, free oil changes, and plenty of free food. Will never forget free rides across Oregon, Maui, and San Francisco. I truly do receive a lot of things for being 'young, blonde, and pretty.' Love that for me.

9. There is something therapeutic about watching surfers at sunset.

my! absolute! favorite! pastime! watching surfers do their thing is relaxing, especially with a beautiful, colorful sky reflecting onto the water beneath them.

10. Flings are fun, but never get attached!

No boy is worth being sad over. Have fun, enjoy the moment, and move on.

11. California driving is not as bad as people make it out to be.

Besides rush hour and CA-17, California driving is not horrible. There are a variety of breathtaking, scenic drives throughout the state; highway-1 is my favorite!!!

12. Stop taking life so seriously!

Biggest lesson I learned!!! I spent too many days upset at the way life was treating me. Days where I could have been at the beach, going on a picnic, spending the day outside! I have learned over time that I am young and life is too short to worry about the seriousness of life. I need to enjoy the moment and be spontaneous, because before I know it, I will not have the opportunity.


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