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To live unapologetically

Updated: Mar 6, 2020

Solo trips to new places have their own, unique way of teaching me a valuable lesson. Always find myself learning something new from each and every experience. Feels as if I am still in college, just without the drama, constant urge to drop out, and stress! Oh, and no homework. That's a huge perk. Receiving a free education by simply doing what I love most; traveling, even though I am currently not in a university, is a beautiful concept.

Sometimes I acknowledge the lesson in the moment whilst living in it; yet, there are moments where it hits me while I am looking through the window several thousand feet in the air.

San Diego reminded me how much fun it is to leave my comfort zone. To try new things. Go out of the way and start the conversation, even when I am nervous. Share stories around a bonfire at sunset. Spend the day with a girl I met from my hostel, who was just a stranger the day before. Ride on the train along the coast during sunset. Appreciate my life. Live in the moment. Fantasize over EACH sunset. To live unapologetically.

Several individuals throughout my short time in San Diego told me I was smart to travel instead of go to college.

“Wish I would have pursued that path instead.”

Friendly reminder from the universe that I am on the right path. May not be the stereotypical "Iowa way of life" that my family wanted for me, but it’s the path meant for me right now.

Emmanuel, my Uber, was the most supportive person I had the opportunity to meet this entire trip. This man, I tell ya! He was so proud of me for moving away from home. Grateful that I realized at a young age there is more to life than staying in Iowa and raising a family. Encouraged me to have fun, meet guys but develop no attachment, and follow my dreams. The universe knew I needed to talk to him for those 20 minutes- he truly left a positive impact on my life.

In fact, we discussed how my current lifestyle upsets my mother. Dropping out of college and moving to California disappoints her, which is ironic for her poor life choices. She loves to guilt me into believing I ruined our family; how it is unfair my older siblings are stuck in Iowa, while I am living somewhere else. Calls me selfish for moving 1,500 miles away from family. Emmanuel and I had a deep conversation about this topic. How she will never be happy for my successes unless it involves her. Her jealousy towards my life choices that have positively changed every aspect of my life.

He made me realize that I should not feel bad for choosing a different lifestyle, although it upsets my unsupportive mother. I am young, full of life, kind, overflowing with gratitude, I deserve to live life unapologetically.

And the thing is, I am not sorry my choices. I will never apologize for the way I live my life, although it upsets others. Especially these choices-

- moving away from Iowa

- living 1,500 miles from my family

- dropping out of college to travel

- letting the past go

- being selfish about my happiness & personal needs

- having an obnoxious laugh and finding the audacity to laugh at everything

- focusing on my present self

& living life unapologetically.

here is a collection of my favorite memories from my first solo trip to San Diego!

forgot my Canon's SD card back in San Jose, so iPhone photos will have to do :)


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