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Realization in Yosemite

Recently I have experienced the feeling of a shift; my priorities and lifestyle choices are changing. Something feels off. Could be a result of Mercury's Retrograde; but, I believe The Universe is sending signs. Putting me through beautiful, but difficult, experiences to prosper as an individual and grow spiritually. Reasoning behind these situations expose themselves after a while, but can be quite confusing at first. Always find myself asking "why do I deserve this?" Often times I put myself down. Nit pick at my flaws and over analyze every little thing I could have done if it is my fault The Universe functions the way it does.

Spending two days at Yosemite National Park, with zero cell service, was a humbling experience. Closest thing to 'social media' I had was taking pictures and listening to music. Mainly The Lumineers; they are my go-to band whilst traveling! Would not have traded that aspect of the trip for anything. Seriously. I love the idea of being surrounded by nature without a connection to reality.

Several moments throughout the hike, the girls I was with found service. While they were scrolling through social media during those short moments, I refused to check my phone. I genuinely found zero interest to look through my messages and notifications. Instead, I thought and thought and thought. Contemplated situations. Realized many things. Spent A LOT of time in my head; just thinking.

Realized that every experience happens for a reason.

To accept the lesson and move on. Prosper- Understanding and accepting how I have no control over timing or other people's choices has changed my outlook on life. No longer do I ask The Universe what I did wrong; but, I ask "what is this supposed to teach me?" "What lesson will come out of this?"

Fall in love with moments, not things.

We remember moments, not days.

Everything is temporary.

Never hesitate to take a break from social media.


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