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Nineteen Things I Learned in 2019

Updated: Mar 6, 2020

1. Move away from your hometown.

Leave! The world is yours, do not refrain yourself to one area. If you are looking for a sign, this is it. Moving away from my hometown was the best decision I have ever made.

2. Put down the camera, enjoy the moment.

Let go of the idea that you need to capture every single moment on your phone/camera. I was the girl who would become furious if pictures did not turn out perfect, despite how much fun I had in the process. It still blows my mind how I once acted. Let's appreciate that personal growth! Pictures are great; they capture a glimpse of moments that help you remember memories. But, experiencing a moment first-hand is even more special and memorable. Try it more often.

3. College is overrated.

College degrees are great and all, but if you want to pursue a career that does not require a college degree, do NOT waste your time and money. I hate how teenagers are pressured into believing that they will not succeed without a degree.

4. Write everyday, about everything.

Your future self will thank you for this. Write about your feelings. Talk about the views, smells, the atmosphere. Journaling allows yourself to remember exactly what happened everyday. Especially while traveling, keep a journal with at all times.

5. Never leave "I love you" unsaid.

I should not have to explain myself on this one. Life is short, and tomorrow is never promised.

6. Hug your parents a little tighter.

As much as I love living in California, I do not love that my parents are over 1,500 miles away. Leaving them never gets easier, and that is why I hug them a little tighter each goodbye.

7. Smile at strangers.

You always want to be remembered as the person who smiled, never the person who did not smile back. A simple smile could turn someone's bad day into a great one.

8. Take a break from social media.

Delete your apps; whether it is only a few hours, days, or weeks. Social media is fake. It is okay to give yourself time, I promise no one will notice. I am currently in the process of eliminating all social media out of my routine.

9. Loving yourself is the solution to your problems.

Life becomes more beautiful when you love yourself. You see the world differently; in a positive way. Opportunities open up. It's a very beautiful concept.

10. Spontaneous, last minute decisions are the absolute best.

My life revolves around unplanned, spontaneous trips. I love to plan trips, but everything changes because of my go with the flow personality. I have made some of my favorite memories from last minute trips. Life becomes more fun when you let go of the idea that you need to have everything figured out.

11. Start the conversation.

Starting the conversation provides new opportunities to make friends, create connections, and learn new things. Do not miss out on those opportunities because of fear and social anxiety.

12. Call your grandparents more often.

As my parents always say, "they are getting older." My siblings and I were raised to never discuss more than that sentence, although we know deep down what it's referring to. So, call your grandparents. I bet they would love to hear from you. I love calling my grandparents and catching up, but not as much as I love spending time with them in person.

13. Spend time alone; get to know yourself.

Spending time with yourself is truly the best thing you can do. Learn your boundaries, your hobbies, favorite past times.

14. Stop having high expectations of EVERYTHING.

Having the highest expectations is my most toxic trait. Over time I have learned to let those expectations go. Although it is smart to have higher expectations about certain situations and relationships, make sure they are not unrealistic. You will only get your hopes up.

15. Optimism changes everything.

The moment you decide to use optimism to see the world, opportunities open up. Optimism has changed my life. I truly would not be the person who I am today without being optimistic.

16. Always say thank you.

Using manners goes a long way. Thank everyone. No matter what the person did for you; big or small, always say thank you.

17. Never turn down ice cream.

I promise you, trying that new flavor of ice cream will not make you gain weight, but it will make you happy. No matter where I go, I always find myself eating ice cream, and I love that for me.

18. People leave, and that is okay.

Everything happens for a reason. If someone important to you leaves, they were only meant to be temporary. It hurts, but you just have to move on. What is yours will come to you within a matter of time.

19. Growth is a process.

Growth does not happen over night. I wish it did. The process is not easy, but it's beautiful. Allow yourself time to grow.

2019 has been a year of growth. I reached the highest and lowest points of my life this year. It was messy, but I would be lying if I said this year wasn't beautiful. The Katie I was at the beginning of 2019 is a completely different girl than who I am ending this year as. And for that, I am forever grateful. Growth is such a beautiful process.


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